December 23, 2008

Removing Symptoms of Surabaya Virus

Removing Surabaya Virus is very easy. In fact, the one that infected my computer was terminated after I installed Avast Antivirus. Though I have eliminated the Virus, its symptoms still persist.

One of the symptoms is the annoying pop-up after your computer boots.

A friend of mine told me that it might not be a virus but rather a spyware. So I searched the net for a way to get rid of this and I arrived at using Ccleaner to clean my windows registry but it didn't work the pop-up is still there. Desperately looking for an answer, I finally found this article teaching how to remove surabaya virus.

Click here to see the article.

This post realy helped me eliminate this annoying pop-up and it also solved the "hidden folder" thing (disabled folder option). At first I was hesitant to try the suggestions because it deals with the registry of my system. Though, I took the risk just to eliminate the symptoms of surabaya virus.

I'm very glad that it worked!!!

I recommend this to everyone!!!


Click here: Symptoms of Surabaya Virus

Removal suggestion is also given on the above link but I advice you to use the advice given on the article that I mentioned earlier. It's the one I tried becuse its clearer and easier to follow.

REMEMBER: You would be dealing with your windows registry! You don't want to lose vital registry. . .

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