May 19, 2009

Virus? Be More Specific

Most computer users refer to problems on their computers as VIRUS but in the online forum that I'm joining, the term VIRUS is seldom used by more experienced users. Instead, MALWARE is used.

Here are some classifications of Malware:
  • Rogue Programs - A Rogue Program is a program that in itself is typically not harmful, but typically use deceptive advertising and false positives as a scare tactic to have you purchase a registered licence of the software.
  • Trojans - Trojan Horses are programs that disguise themselves as harmless and beneficial programs but instead have a hidden purpose that you are unaware of.
  • Worms - A worm is a program that has the ability to spread from one computer to another on its own.
*Note: If you find something objectionable in this post, please inform me through my email:

This post is subject to improvement. I'm currently reading more articles to make this post more comprehensive. Please standby for new updates. To those who have links to useful articles, please let me know via my e-mail.

Be Sure that You're Searching a Safe Site

There are a lot of sites throughout the web. Sadly, most of them are infected or contain malicious downloads. This is a serious threat to those who are surfing through their own computers. This could lead to identity theft, unwanted download of virus or trojans, and a lot more. Sure;y you don't want your computer to "Rest In Peace" lol.

Here are some guidelines to make your surfing safer:
  • Use an AntiVirus Program that has internet protection. (I use AVG Free Edition. Although it does not offer internet protection as intensive as others, it's still quite good enough.)
  • Visit only trusted sites but I know this is a bit impossible. In such cases try to check it here first:
  • Lastly, as they all advise, DON'T VISIT PORN SITES because most of them are infected.
Have a safe surfing!

May 16, 2009

BB Code

Just recently I've heard about this new code.

It's somehow similar to HTML but this works in forums where HTML does not work. I learned about this type of code on Bleeping Computer. It's an online community where computer lovers meet and discuss computer issues.

Click here if you want to learn about BB Codes. Actually, I've not yet tried it on other forums. or other sites.

Unfortunately, it does not work here. If you have already tried BB Code on other sites please let me know by leaving a comment on this post. In time, I hope to post a new topic about sites where BB Code works.